The Arrow Bowen Pipeline received Queensland Government approval in March 2013 and Commonwealth Government approval in October 2014.
- EIS Document Summary
- EIS Document Summary (163.7 KB)
- Executive Summary
- Executive Summary (23.5 MB)
- Volume 1 - EIS
- Arrow Bowen Pipeline EIS (10.8 MB)
- Volume 2 - Maps
- Map 01 - Overview (1.2 MB)
- Map 02 - Tenement (1.4 MB)
- Map 03 - Tenure of Land (6.4 MB)
- Map 04 - Topography (1.4 MB)
- Map 05 - Land Use Suitability and Classes (554.4 KB)
- Map 06 - Geology (8.6 MB)
- Map 07 - Soils (6.4 MB)
- Map 08 - Infrastructure (9.9 MB)
- Map 09 - Good Quality Agricultural Land (5.3 MB)
- Map 10 - Terrestrial Flora (31.4 MB)
- Map 11 - Terrestrial Fauna (1.1 MB)
- Map 12 - DN1050 (887.2 KB)
- Map 13 - DN500 DN400 (880.8 KB)
- Map 14 - Distribution Routes from Port of Gladstone (821.6 KB)
- Map 15 - Water Basins (1.3 MB)
- Mapsheet - 50k (562.1 KB)
- Mapsheets - 100k (555.3 KB)
- Mapsheets - 250k (566.3 KB)
- Volume 3 - Appendices
- A1 - Final Terms of Reference (240.5 KB)
- A2 - Regulatory Approvals (83.5 KB)
- A3 - Standard Criteria (67.7 KB)
- A4 - 01 - Economic Assessment (1.6 MB)
- A4 - 02 - Social Impact Assessment (1.5 MB)
- A4 - 03 - Assessment Report Flora (133.6 MB)
- A4 - 04 - Terrestrial Fauna Assessment (11.0 MB)
- A4 - 05 - Traffic Impact Assessment (1.5 MB)
- A4 - 06 - Initial Safety Management Study (4.0 MB)
- A4 - 07 - Proposed Pipeline Alignment Travelogue (176.3 MB)
- A4 - 08 - Real Property Descriptions (45.1 KB)
- A4 - 09 - Water Availability Study (4.3 MB)
- A4 - 10 - Soils Assessment Report (9.5 MB)
- A4 - 11 - Geological Characteristics of the Project Area (37.6 KB)
- A4 - 15 - Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment (2.2 MB)
- A4 - 12 - Water Crossing Information (12.4 MB)
- A4 - 13 - Aquatic Ecology Assessment (970.2 KB)
- A4 - 14 - Flood Impact Assessment Study (814.2 KB)
- A5 - Research (90.5 KB)
- A6 - Study Team (92.0 KB)
- Volume 1 - Supplementary Report
- 01 - Supplementary Report (9.1 MB)
- 02 - Map Series 1: Changes to the Pipeline Route (17.7 MB)
- 03 - Map Series 2: Tenure of Land (19.5 MB)
- 04 - Map Series 3: Tenements (22.7 MB)
- 05 - Map Series 4: Infrastructure (195.6 MB)
- 06 - Map Series 5: Strategic Cropping Land Traversed by the Pipeline Route (38.9 MB)
- 07 - Map Series 6: Soil Type (94.0 MB)
- Volume 2 - Appendices: Part 1
- 01 - Appendix A1: Standard Criteria (82.5 KB)
- 02 - Appendix A2: Real Property Descriptions (61.8 KB)
- 03 - Appendix A3: Soils Assessment (39.5 MB)
- 04 - Appendix A3: Figure 2-2: Regional Geology - ABP (79.9 MB)
- 05 - Appendix A3: Figure 3-1: Site Locations - ABP (89.7 MB)
- 06 - Appendix A3: Figure 4-1: Soil Mapping Units - ABP (93.9 MB)
- 07 - Appendix A3: Figure 4-2: Land Suitability for Cropping - ABP (90.5 MB)
- 08 - Appendix A3: Figure 4-4: Good Quality Agricultural Land - ABP (90.8 MB)
- 09 - Appendix A3: Figure 4-5: Field Verified SCL and Non-SCL - ABP (38.9 MB)
- Volume 2 - Appendices: Part 2
- Volume 2 - Appendices: Part 3
- 01 - Appendix A5: Terrestrial Fauna Assessment (50.6 MB)
- 02 - Appendix A6: Watercourse Crossing Information (10.1 MB)
- 03 - Appendix A7: Regulatory Approvals (93.6 KB)
- 04 - Appendix A8: Commitments Register (75.9 KB)
- 05 - Appendix A9: Submissions (126.2 MB)
- Volume 3 - Environmental Management Plan
- 01 - Appendix A10: Environmental Management Plan (16.5 MB)
- 02 - Appendix A: Map Series 1 - Tenements (22.6 MB)
- 03 - Appendix A: Map Series 2 - Geology (79.9 MB)
- 04 - Appendix A: Map Series 3 - Soil Type (93.9 MB)
- 05 - Appendix A: Map Series 4 - Good Quality Agricultural Land (90.8 MB)
- 06 - Appendix A: Map Series 5 - Strategic Cropping Land Traversed by the Pipeline Route (38.9 MB)
- 07 - Appendix A: Map Series 6 - Tenure of Land (19.4 MB)
- 08 - Appendix A: Map Series 7 - Infrastructure (195.6 MB)
- 09 - Appendix A: Map Series 8 - Regional Ecosystems (89.5 MB)
- 10 - Appendix A: Map Series 9 - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (89.7 MB)
- 11 - Appendix B: Relevant Blocks (52.9 KB)
- 12 - Appendix C: Arrow Energy - Environmental Policy (304.0 KB)
- 13 - Appendix D: Outline Weed Management Plan (3.1 MB)
- 14 - Appendix E: Outline Rehabilitation Program (326.7 KB)
- 15 - Appendix F: Arrow Energy Environmental Offset Strategy (413.6 KB)
- 16 - Appendix G1: Outline Noise and Vibration Management Plan (10.1 MB)
- 17 - Appendix G2: Outline Blast and Noise and Vibration Management Plan (4.6 MB)
- 18 - Appendix H: Schedule of Assessed Watercourse Crossings (64.8 KB)
- 19 - Appendix I: Endangered and Of-Concern Regional Ecosystems (61.5 KB)
- 20 - Appendix J: Outline Soil Management Plan (95.9 KB)
- Original EPBC Referral
- ABP Datasheets (7.8 MB)
- ABP Flora Assessment (7.6 MB)
- EPBC Referral Form (1.2 MB)
- EPBC Referral Supporting Documentation - Appendix (1.5 MB)
- EPBC Referral Supporting Documentation - Report (1.1 MB)
- Figure 1 - High Value Regrowth Vegetation, Regional Ecosystems and Essential Habitat (38.8 MB)
- Figure 2 - Protected Areas (32.4 MB)
- Figure 3 - Biodiversity Status, Bioregional Corridors and Queensland Herbarium Records (32.4 MB)
- Figure 4 - Regional Ecosystems and Constraints Surveyed along Alignment (32.6 MB)
- Amended EPBC Referral Documents
- Arrow Bowen Pipeline EPBC Referral Preliminary Documentation (822.8 KB)
- Overview map for EPBC referral letter (2.2 MB)
- Appendix 1 - Project overview map (670.7 KB)
- Appendix 2 - Notice of Decision letter (1.3 MB)
- Appendix 3 - Protected Matters search tool report (119.8 KB)
- Appendix 4 - MNES Threatened Species Dossier, Part 1 (3.9 MB)
- Appendix 4 - MNES Threatened Species Dossier, Part 2 (3.7 MB)
- Appendix 4 - MNES Threatened Species Dossier, Part 3 (4.0 MB)
- Appendix 4 - MNES Threatened Species Dossier, Part 4 (3.4 MB)
- Appendix 5 - Summary of EPBC fauna habitat areas (88.0 KB)
- Appendix 6 - Overview map of critical habitat areas (347.0 KB)
- Arrow Energy EPBC referral letter (484.0 KB)
- Amended EPBC Referral Supporting Documents
- Arrow Bowen Pipeline EPBC Referral - Supporting Documentation (2.5 MB)
- Arrow Bowen Pipeline EPBC Referral - Supporting Documentation, Appendix 1 (1.5 MB)
- Arrow Bowen Pipeline EPBC Referral - Supporting Documentation, Report (1.1 MB)
- Arrow Bowen Pipeline EPBC Referral - Supporting Documentation, Form (1.2 MB)
- Department of the Environment Correspondence
- Letter from DSEWPC - Receipt of Referral (60.5 KB)
- Letter from DSEWPC - Decision on Referral (894.1 KB)
- Letter from DSEWPC - Decision on Variation (231.3 KB)
- DSEWPC signed Decision Instrument (225.9 KB)
- Overview map of Yellow Chat habitat
- Overview map of Yellow Chat habitat (1.7 MB)
- Arrow Energy Responses to Comments
- MNES Threatened Species Dossiers
- EPBC Environmental Offsets Strategic Management Plan