Managing groundwater impacts
Our commitment is to manage our impacts on groundwater systems in our areas of operation.
Environmental Impact Statements
Queensland and Commonwealth approvals.
Activity approvals
Additional Government approvals are needed to conduct the activities required to extract gas from coal seams.
Approved plans
Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC), the Federal Government granted Arrow Energy EPBC approvals for two gas projects.
Condamine Alluvium
Condamine Alluvium Substitution Scheme We have undertaken an expressions of interest process with landholders who hold groundwater licences and wish to participate in Arrow’s Condamine Alluvium Substitution Scheme.
For all our activities, we aim protect the environment, conserve and recycle resources, reduce waste and pollution, and improve processes to help protect the natural environment.
Since our inception we have prioritised environmental activities, thanks to our team's dedication and the rigid implementation of our Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS).
At its core, the HSEMS requires compliance with laws and regulations. Beyond compliance with legislation, we support programs that improve our understanding of environmental impacts while developing effective control measures.