Coexistence is landholders and coal seam gas (CSG) companies working together, bringing Australia the benefits of both the agricultural and resource industries.
For our part, we will ensure:
- minimised footprint on intensively farmed land
- no permanent damage to productivity of either the land or the Great Artesian Basin
- landholders are fairly compensated
We will demonstrate coexistence, in collaboration with our landholders, in three ways:
- pre-development design work to minimise our footprint
- best practice construction management to minimise our impact on soil during the drilling phase
- best practice operational management to minimise our impact on farm productivity.
Operating on intensively farmed land
Arrow considers intensively farmed land (IFL) to be premium cropping land in the Surat Basin. IFL is actively used for broad acre cropping with either dry land or irrigated farming practices, that has been altered to suit cropping purposes (e.g. laser levelled, irrigation channels and water supply dams).
In 2021, we expanded and improved our Commitments to Surat Basin Landholders to ensure we clearly articulate our long-term intentions to maintain positive and productive relationships with our landholders.
Arrow's 12 coexistence commitments
- No permanent alienation
- Minimised operational footprint – less than 2% of total IFL area
- Flexibility on CSG well locations, but all wells located by edge of farm paddocks
- Pad drilling (up to 8 wells from a single pad) used where coal depth and geology allows
- Spacing between wells maximised (average of between 800m – 1500m)
- Pitless drilling only
- No major infrastructure facilities on IFL (dams, compression stations, gas gathering stations, water treatment)
- Treated CSG water used to substitute existing users’ allocations on IFL*
- No brine/salt treatment or disposal on IFL
- Flexibility on power supply option
- Fair compensation
- Continued proactive engagements with community and transparency on coexistence field activities.
*Commitment 8 refers to the area of greatest predicted drawdown on the Condamine Alluvium resulting from CSG extraction by Arrow Energy.