Surat Gas Expansion Project (EPBC 2010/5344)
Environmental Impact Statement
- Executive Summary
- Executive Summary (14.6 MB)
- Table of Contents
- Table of Contents (237.1 KB)
- Volume 1
- Chapter 01 - Introduction (7.6 MB)
- Chapter 02 - Project Approvals (1.0 MB)
- Chapter 03 - Project Need (3.5 MB)
- Chapter 04 - Environmental, Social and Economic Context (26.2 MB)
- Chapter 05 - Project Description (30.9 MB)
- Chapter 06 - Public and Stakeholder Consultation (424.5 KB)
- Chapter 07 - Impact Assessment Method (17.6 MB)
- Chapter 08 - Environmental Framework (714.1 KB)
- Chapter 09 - Air Quality (4.7 MB)
- Chapter 10 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions (283.0 KB)
- Chapter 11 - Climatic Adaptation (2.0 MB)
- Chapter 12 - Geology, Landform and Soils (7.3 MB)
- Chapter 13 - Agriculture (611.3 KB)
- Chapter 14 - Groundwater (9.0 MB)
- Chapter 15 - Surface Water (14.4 MB)
- Chapter 16 - Aquatic Ecology (2.9 MB)
- Chapter 17 - Terrestrial Ecology (25.9 MB)
- Chapter 18 - Landscape and Visual Amenity (12.8 MB)
- Chapter 19 - Roads and Transport (2.5 MB)
- Chapter 20 - Noise and Vibration (8.8 MB)
- Chapter 21 - Economics (664.9 KB)
- Chapter 22 - Social (6.6 MB)
- Volume 2
- Chapter 23 - Indigenous Cultural Heritage (4.3 MB)
- Chapter 24 - Non-Indigenous Cultural Heritage (11.3 MB)
- Chapter 25 - Preliminary Hazard and Risk (2.4 MB)
- Chapter 26 - Waste Management (303.5 KB)
- Chapter 27 - Summary of Key Impacts (162.5 KB)
- Chapter 28 - Cumulative Impacts (3.8 MB)
- Chapter 29 - References (152.9 KB)
- Chapter 30 - Glossary and Abbreviations (273.3 KB)
- Chapter 31 - Study Team (136.7 KB)
- Volume 2 (attachments)
- Attachment 001- Final Terms of Reference (308.9 KB)
- Attachment 002 - Cross Reference with the Final Terms of Ref (579.3 KB)
- Attachment 003 - Matters of National Environmental Significa (11.5 MB)
- Attachment 004 - Project Relevant Legislation (117.3 KB)
- Attachment 005 - Environmental Management Plan (56.8 MB)
- Attachment 006 - Social Impact Management Plan (2.6 MB)
- Attachment 007 - Ecologically Sustainable Development (164.5 KB)
- Attachment 008 - EIS Commitments Summary (408.6 KB)
- Attachment 009 - Coal Seam Gas Water Management Strategy (1.5 MB)
- Attachment 010 - Preliminary Contraints Maps (14.3 MB)
- Volume 3
- Appendix A - Planning Assessment (48.8 MB)
- Appendix B - Consultation Report (76.8 MB)
- Appendix C - Air Quality Impact Assessment (6.4 MB)
- Volume 4
- Volume 5
- Volume 6
- Volume 7
- Appendix M - Road Impact Assessment (13.3 MB)
- Appendix N - Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment (6.2 MB)
- Appendix O - Economic Impact Assessment (1.9 MB)
- Appendix P - Social Impact Assessment (3.5 MB)
- Appendix Q - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment (5.5 MB)
- Appendix R - Non-Indigenous Heritage Impact Assessment (6.4 MB)
- Appendix S - Preliminary Hazard and Risk Assessment (3.4 MB)
- 1 - Part A: Main Report
- 01 - Introduction (189.9 KB)
- 02 - Project Approvals (504.7 KB)
- 03 - Project Description (3.4 MB)
- 04 - Consultation (48.9 KB)
- 05 - Air Quality (669.3 KB)
- 06 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions (657.6 KB)
- 07 - Agriculture (861.6 KB)
- 08 - Groundwater (9.8 MB)
- 09 - Surface Water (9.1 MB)
- 10 - Aquatic Ecology (3.6 MB)
- 11 - Terrestrial Ecology (29.4 MB)
- 12 - Roads and Transport (3.3 MB)
- 13 - Noise and Vibration (10.8 MB)
- 14 - Social (235.5 KB)
- 15 - Preliminary Hazard and Risk (1.1 MB)
- 2 - Part B: Submission Response
- 16 - Submissions Response (16.2 KB)
- 17 - Submitters and Identification of Issues (16.7 KB)
- 18 - Submitter-Issue Register (114.0 KB)
- 19 - Submission Responses (3.9 MB)
- 20 - Response to DERM Submission (623.8 KB)
- 21 - Response to SEWPaC Submission (200.4 KB)
- 3 - Part C: Conclusions and References
- 22 - Conclusion (107.4 KB)
- 23 - References (86.4 KB)
- 24 - Glossary and Abbreviations (178.6 KB)
- 25 - Study Team (46.4 KB)
- 4 - Attachments
- 01 - Matters of National Environmental Significance (48.5 MB)
- 02 - Strategic Environmental Management Plan (46.3 MB)
- 03 - Social Impact Management Plan (3.5 MB)
- 04 - Commitments Update (2.9 MB)
- 05 - Coal Seam Gas Water and Salt Management Strategy (1.2 MB)
- 06 - Draft Environmental Offsets Strategic Management Plan (8.6 MB)
- 07 - Legislation and Policy (2.7 MB)
- 08 - Constraints Mapping Update (9.1 MB)
- 5 - Appendices
- 01 - Supplementary Consultation Report (16.8 MB)
- 02 - Supplementary Air Quality Assessment (736.1 KB)
- 03 - Supplementary Greenhouse Gas Assessment (1.7 MB)
- 04 - Supplementary Groundwater Assessment (73.7 MB)
- 05 - Supplementary Surface Water Assessment Part A - Geomorphology and Hydrology (24.2 MB)
- 06 - Supplementary Surface Water Assessment Part B - Water Quality (3.8 MB)
- 07 - Supplementary Surface Water Assessment Part C - Flows Assessment (2.2 MB)
- 08 - Supplementary Aquatic Ecology Assessment (15.3 MB)
- 09 - Supplementary Terrestrial Ecology Assessment (69.5 MB)
- 10 - Supplementary Roads and Transport Assessment (122.6 MB)
- 11 - Supplementary Noise and Vibration Assessment (3.8 MB)
- 12 - Supplementary Preliminary Hazard and Risk Assessment (1.8 MB)
- 13 - Supplementary Social Assessment (542.1 KB)
- 14 - Supplementary Agricultural Economics Report (370.6 KB)
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity and Conservation (EPBC) Annual Compliance Reports
EPBC Approval 2010/5344 Annual Compliance Report PDF 331.44 KB (2022/2023)
Offset Strategy
SGP Stage 1 Offset Strategy PDF 20286.5 KB (2019)
Species Impact Management Plan
Species Impact Management Plan (SIMP) PDF 1914.09 KB (2018)
Water Monitoring and Management Plan
Updated Water Monitoring and Management Plan PDF 73629.94 KB
- SGP Water Monitoring and Management Plan (19.0 MB)
- Appendix C - Project description (19.5 MB)
- Appendix D - GDE and Aquatic Ecosystem technical memorandum (89.6 MB)
- Appendix E - Modelling technical memorandum (5.0 MB)
- Appendix F - Condition 13b modelling report (17.5 MB)
- Appendix G - Impacts and management technical memorandum (463.9 KB)
- Appendix H - Flood risk assessment technical memorandum (1.1 MB)
- Appendix I - Triggers and limits technical memorandum (746.4 KB)
- Appendix J - Monitoring network technical memorandum (4.0 MB)
- Appendix K - Subsidence technical memorandum (5.0 MB)
- Appendix L - Peer reviewer endorsement letters and comments register (731.2 KB)
Water Monitoring and Management Report (WMMP)
Arrow Energy SGP WMMP Annual Report PDF 18962.9 KB (2022/2023)
Surat Gas Project Pipelines (EPBC 2018/8223)
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity and Conservation (EPBC) Annual Compliance Reports
EPBC Approval 2018/8223 Annual Compliance Report PDF 194.79 KB (2023/2024)
Offset Area Management Plan
Bowen Gas Project (EPBC 2012/6377)
Environmental Impact Statement
- Executive Summary
- Executive Summary (3.4 MB)
- EIS Chapters
- 01 - Introduction (3.9 MB)
- 02 - Project Approvals (631.8 KB)
- 03 - Project Need (1.8 MB)
- 04 - Project Description (7.3 MB)
- 05 - Community Consultation (415.5 KB)
- 06 - Impact Assessment Method (392.1 KB)
- 07 - Environmental Framework (480.7 KB)
- 08 - Climate (3.8 MB)
- 09 - Air Quality (7.5 MB)
- 10 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions (675.1 KB)
- 11 - Contaminated Land (489.6 KB)
- 12 - Soils and Land Suitability (5.2 MB)
- 13 - Geology (8.5 MB)
- 14 - Groundwater (18.7 MB)
- 15 - Surface Water (4.8 MB)
- 16 - Aquatic Ecology (1.0 MB)
- 17 - Terrestrial Ecology (4.7 MB)
- 18 - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (14.0 MB)
- 19 - Land Use and Tenure (19.6 MB)
- 20 - Landscape and Visual Amenity (7.9 MB)
- 21 - Roads and Transport (29.9 MB)
- 22 - Noise and Vibration (5.7 MB)
- 23 - Economics (554.5 KB)
- 24 - Social (3.1 MB)
- 25 - Indigenous Cultural Heritage (4.5 MB)
- 26 - Non-Indigenous Cultural Heritage (3.2 MB)
- 27 - Preliminary Hazard and Risk (4.4 MB)
- 28 - Waste Management (458.3 KB)
- 29 - Decommissioning and Rehabilitation (524.5 KB)
- 30 - Health and Safety (3.1 MB)
- 31 - Cumulative Impacts (1.6 MB)
- 32 - Draft Environmental Management Plan (Summary) (223.6 KB)
- 33 - References (419.1 KB)
- 34 - Glossary and Abbreviations (580.5 KB)
- EIS Appendices
- Public-Notice-of-Bowen-Gas-Project-EIS_Mar2013.pdf (117.5 KB)
- How-to-read-and-respond_Bowen_web.pdf (1.4 MB)
- Keyfindings-of-the-EIS_Bowen.pdf (1.4 MB)
- 1 - Part A: Main Report
- Key Findings (353.0 KB)
- 01 - Introduction (1.8 MB)
- 02 - Project Approvals (577.7 KB)
- 03 - Project Description (4.9 MB)
- 04 - Community Consultation (218.9 KB)
- 05 - Air Quality (7.0 MB)
- 06 - Greenhouse Gas (340.0 KB)
- 07 - Groundwater (30.8 MB)
- 08 - Surface Water (880.3 KB)
- 09 - Hydrology and Geomorphology (2.9 MB)
- 10 - Aquatic Ecology (11.2 MB)
- 11 - Terrestrial Ecology (3.9 MB)
- 12 - Roads and Transport (6.8 MB)
- 13 - Land Use and Tenure (279.5 KB)
- 14 - Noise and Vibration (2.8 MB)
- 15 - Social (385.5 KB)
- 16 - Waste Management (383.0 KB)
- 17 - References (277.1 KB)
- 18 - Glossary and Abbreviations (443.8 KB)
- 2 - Part B: Submission Response
- 19 - Submissions Overview (584.9 KB)
- 20 - Submitters and Identification of Issues (282.0 KB)
- 21 - Submission Responses (4.8 MB)
- 22 - DEHP Submission Responses (750.5 KB)
- 23 - DSEWPaC Submission Responses (1.1 MB)
- 3 - Part C: Appendices
- Appendix A - Community Consultation Report (5.0 MB)
- Appendix B - Air Quality Technical Report (7.8 MB)
- Appendix C - Greenhouse Gas Technical Report (1.3 MB)
- Appendix D - Coal Seam Gas Water and Salt Management Strategy (2.5 MB)
- Appendix E - Supplementary Groundwater Assessment (95.3 MB)
- Appendix F - Surface Water Technical Report (2.0 MB)
- Appendix G - Hydrology and Geomorphology Technical Report (19.4 MB)
- Appendix H - Aquatic Ecology Technical Report (12.9 MB)
- Appendix I - Terrestrial Ecology Technical Report (6.6 MB)
- Appendix J - Matters of National Environmental Significance Report (25.2 MB)
- Appendix K - Road Impact Assessment (54.0 MB)
- Appendix L - Noise and Vibration Technical Report (5.8 MB)
- Appendix M - Social Technical Report (2.0 MB)
- Appendix N - Social Impact Management Plan (4.2 MB)
- Appendix O - Commitments Update (1.6 MB)
- Appendix P - Environmental Offsets Strategic Management Plan (3.6 MB)
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity and Conservation (EPBC) Annual Compliance Reports
BGP EPBC Annual Compliance Report PDF 244.35 KB (2023/2024)
- BGP EPBC Annual Compliance Report 2022/2023 (298.4 KB)
- BGP EPBC Annual Compliance Report 2021/2022 (327.2 KB)
- BGP EPBC Annual Compliance Report 2020/2021 (427.3 KB)
- BGP EPBC Annual Compliance Report 2019/2020 (483.0 KB)
Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan
BGP Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan PDF 54850.59 KB
Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan Annual Report
2024 Annual Review - BGP Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan PDF 8403.53 KB
- 2020 Annual Report - BGP Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan (6.3 MB)
- 2021 Annual Report - BGP Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan (26.9 MB)
- 2022 Annual Report - BGP Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan (33.0 MB)
- 2023 Annual Report - BGP Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan (6.9 MB)
Species Impact Management Plan
Species Impact Management Plan (SIMP) PDF 8029.59 KB (2018)
Stage 1 Offset Strategy
BGP Offset Strategy for Phase 1 PDF 6191.48 KB (2018)
Underground Water Impact Report (UWIR)
- Groundwater Management and Monitoring Plan 2021 Annual Report (19.2 MB)
- UWIR Bowen 2019 (55.5 MB)
- UWIR 2019 Final Report ATP831 (2.2 MB)
Arrow Bowen Pipeline Project (EPBC 2012/6459)
Environmental Impact Statement
- EIS Document Summary
- EIS Document Summary (163.7 KB)
- Executive Summary
- Executive Summary (23.5 MB)
- Volume 1 - EIS
- Arrow Bowen Pipeline EIS (10.8 MB)
- Volume 2 - Maps
- Map 01 - Overview (1.2 MB)
- Map 02 - Tenement (1.4 MB)
- Map 03 - Tenure of Land (6.4 MB)
- Map 04 - Topography (1.4 MB)
- Map 05 - Land Use Suitability and Classes (554.4 KB)
- Map 06 - Geology (8.6 MB)
- Map 07 - Soils (6.4 MB)
- Map 08 - Infrastructure (9.9 MB)
- Map 09 - Good Quality Agricultural Land (5.3 MB)
- Map 10 - Terrestrial Flora (31.4 MB)
- Map 11 - Terrestrial Fauna (1.1 MB)
- Map 12 - DN1050 (887.2 KB)
- Map 13 - DN500 DN400 (880.8 KB)
- Map 14 - Distribution Routes from Port of Gladstone (821.6 KB)
- Map 15 - Water Basins (1.3 MB)
- Mapsheet - 50k (562.1 KB)
- Mapsheets - 100k (555.3 KB)
- Mapsheets - 250k (566.3 KB)
- Volume 3 - Appendices
- A1 - Final Terms of Reference (240.5 KB)
- A2 - Regulatory Approvals (83.5 KB)
- A3 - Standard Criteria (67.7 KB)
- A4 - 01 - Economic Assessment (1.6 MB)
- A4 - 02 - Social Impact Assessment (1.5 MB)
- A4 - 03 - Assessment Report Flora (133.6 MB)
- A4 - 04 - Terrestrial Fauna Assessment (11.0 MB)
- A4 - 05 - Traffic Impact Assessment (1.5 MB)
- A4 - 06 - Initial Safety Management Study (4.0 MB)
- A4 - 07 - Proposed Pipeline Alignment Travelogue (176.3 MB)
- A4 - 08 - Real Property Descriptions (45.1 KB)
- A4 - 09 - Water Availability Study (4.3 MB)
- A4 - 10 - Soils Assessment Report (9.5 MB)
- A4 - 11 - Geological Characteristics of the Project Area (37.6 KB)
- A4 - 15 - Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment (2.2 MB)
- A4 - 12 - Water Crossing Information (12.4 MB)
- A4 - 13 - Aquatic Ecology Assessment (970.2 KB)
- A4 - 14 - Flood Impact Assessment Study (814.2 KB)
- A5 - Research (90.5 KB)
- A6 - Study Team (92.0 KB)