'Building a strong foundation'. Artist: Joe Butler
Whanu Binal Indigenous Entrepreneur Program
In the language of the Western Gugu Yalanji people, the 'whanu' is a strong tree with deep roots and 'binal' is the development of knowledge from infancy to an Elder.
In partnership with CQUniversity, Arrow is proud to deliver the Whanu Binal Indigenous Entrepreneur Program – an online learning experience that has been specifically designed to support Indigenous business owners in the field of business and entrepreneurship.
Presented through a series of interactive, online modules and digital ‘Yarning Circles’, the Program aims to provide participants with knowledge and tools to help further grow their business and develop economic opportunities for their communities.
The Program is fully subsidised by Arrow Energy in collaboration with CQUniversity.
For more information, or to register your interest in participating please:
- Visit www.cqu.edu.au/wbe
- Email info@arrowenergy.com.au
- Call 1800 038 856 (toll free)